Permanent Work From Home Could Hamper New IT infrastructure Business

June 21, 2021

by Saarathi News Desk

Permanent Work From Home Could Hamper New IT infrastructure Business

The Pandemic caused losses after losses in many sectors in India. Many had to go remote, saw a fall in demand or closed down, as they had no business. But this particular one had it different. It saw a rise in the demand but not enough supply to cater to them. As WFH became the new norm, as social distancing became the way to survive, Increase in IT products saw a huge surge since last March.

“Beginning March 2020, while it felt that lockdown was imminent, several organizations started preparing for a remote office environment. Laptops were in demand and such brisk buying was not expected.  This Work from Home rush also caused the requirement of desktops and Internet Connectivity at every home, many of which were managing 3G/4G at home. The Internet rush again created huge volume in SOHO Routers and other CPE Devices. This had a positive effect on the IT sector during last year as purchase volume increased for most IT products,” said Mr. Samir Parekh, President, and TAIT.

Trade Association of Information Technology (TAIT) was formed in March 1996 to uphold the larger interest of the IT trade, which represents 70% of Mumbai’s IT industry. It’s a forum where the challenges of Mumbai’s domestic IT Industry business are heard and understood. TAIT has its own office in Mumbai managed by a professional team. It has a team of consultants on board on various taxation and policy matters.

He further added that the Surge was not particular to the T1 cites but throughout the country. “Increased Movement of all IT Products was seen across India and COVID-induced demand left no part or region untouched. The surge was seen across India, though; Mumbai and Delhi market were busier as they were the main import and distribution hubs. Apart from this, most major players after Tier 1 Distributors are located in Mumbai and Delhi and goods are being shipped across India,” said Viren Bavishi, General Secretary, TAIT

These demands had a positive effect on most product segments, barring consumables and service sectors In IT. These surges were also seen as the rural sector said Viren The need is rising as the rural sector has more exposure to the Internet.

“The rural areas are more connected with the Internet and remarkable work is being done on that front. This connectivity is a big boost to IT hardware and software business beyond doubt. Rural areas, even local governments, are connected to district offices and to state capitals. Rural populations have gotten used to net and online purchases, which is a positive side to the otherwise destructive E-commerce giants, who are on one hand destroying small businesses and on other making huge profits for their overseas bosses,” said Samir

TAIT’s Works

TAIT being one of the Leading IT associations of India and with TAIT Board on their toes has been continuously justifying their leadership position in IT Fraternity. During Lockdown last year and now, TAIT has kept in touch with members with online meetings, touching upon the subjects like, Stress Management, Data Security, Sales Management during Lockdown. It has also done sessions on implementation of various HR policies due to situations arising out of Lockdown. Panel discussion on Work-Life balance was conducted, to know and explore various opinions of the entire ecosystem.

With an aim to support staff of MSME members, TAIT this year has collected contributions and will be adding to that fund from TAIT Reserve funds to provide necessities, mainly groceries to staff members. TAIT has done many more of such activities, added Samir

TAIT is a pro-active, leading IT association of India that represents the interest of the IT community in the ecosystem of Distributors / Sub-distributors / Resellers, System Integrators & Service Providers. It has over 350+ members representing the complete spectrum of IT organizations. Apart from businesses, TAIT leadership also helped few Members and several of their relatives to get COVID Bed within the hours of need. Supertron Foundation (NGO by Leading Distributor) has provided 3 Nos. of Oxygen Concentrators to TAIT, for any emergency need to TAIT Family during this hard time.

TAIT Role With the Government

TAIT over the past years have interacted with state Government Departments, Central Government Departments to brief and resolution of IT channel community business challenges. It will continue to do so in future.

On Govt.’s work to spread the message of “Make in India’ ‘ or becoming “Atma Nirbhar”. Viren said “To do it in a real sense, they must know the ground realities being faced by Manufacturers. As a matter of fact, there are several Manufacturers, who were either manufacturing from scratch or adding a lot of value to products after importing Semi-knockdown conditions, have closed down due to reasons best known to the government. This must be analyzed, as it will help the IT industry in India. Moreover, the Government has brought in compliances which are just beneficial to MNCs, and with that, how do you expect to become Atma Nirbhar?”

On Technological Advancement and Future

Most Technology developments are on course, even during COVID as coding/Firmware/Software solutions are done in a much more focused manner during this. There would be many more new Product/Technology to be expected once the situation becomes near normal.

“Upcoming quarters are expected to be steady without any unforeseen movement, but with its own challenges of Availability. Import was not easy; All the Ports were congested beyond imagination. Cost of International & Domestic Logistics went through the roof and overall, it was supplier’s terms that ruled the market,” added Viren Bavishi.  “Unfortunately, Corona is still around and a lot of uncertainty prevails, lead time is unreasonably high, supply commitments have gotten risker.”

Samir added that in many parts of the world a normal work routine has begun and India would take long before that happens. As many corporate giants have plans for permanent Work from home, the association expects much more reduction in New IT Infrastructure at Big time users. This would hamper business of new projects and Service Providers who are into facility management services. Many in the industry have been stressed and many of those who work corporate IT infrastructure and Service Providers who are into facility management services have no business since the offices were closed.

“Hoping things will slowly but certainly fall in place, and TAIT is very optimistic that there is Great time ahead for IT Trade,” said Samir Parekh. “TAIT has just completed 25 Years. Over the period of 25 Years, Various Business Leaders at the Helm of TAIT, have worked wonderfully well for TAIT and for IT Fraternity as whole. That is the reason, what TAIT is today.”

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